This Absurdly Simple Sales Secret Doubles Your Sales


Credit Geoffrey James with originally talking about this one.

And it is really easy.

Basically, he says too many sales messages suck.

Either they’re too confusing, boring, or just plain stupid.

So his simple solution goes like this:

  1. Put yourself in the place of your customer.
  2. You’re very happy because you just bought your own awesome product/service.
  3. Explain what makes you so happy in language a 6th grader understands.

It is literally that easy to do.

The answer to that question gives you the sales message you should be using when talking to your customers.

And you don’t do this because your potential customers are too stupid to understand fancy language.

You do it because that’s the language they use to talk about your products or services. If you use complex industry jargon they can’t relate to, why would they ever want to pay attention to what you have to say?

Best and Worst Sales Messages Ever!

Let’s take a look at some really good and bad ones and see what works (and doesn’t work):

1. Best: Got milk?

This message is so simple and versatile. Remember how it was used by celebrities with milk mustaches? The campaign appealed to the simplest of people, as well as some of the most elite.

2. Best: KISSmetrics

This company gives user demographic information for websites. Their sales message is simple and meaningful for web developers: Google Analytics Tells You What Happened, KISSmetrics Tells You Who Did It.

Now, you don’t even have to be a developer to get that one!

3. Worst: A Full-Service Provider

Have you ever heard a company try to differentiate themselves based on the fact they offer all the services you need in one place? That’s nice, but it’s not really all that big of a deal to your prospects.

They want to know how you can solve their problem better than anyone else.

4. Worst: We’re Innovative and Dynamic

These words have lost their meaning. Innovation is the standard expectation for any private company. Dynamic just plain doesn’t mean anything.

Ask yourself, “So what?” to drill further down and get to the core of how you solve your customer’s problem.

5. Worst: Take It to the Next Level

This is just too generic – it means nothing. That sounds kind of nice – but what is it really? Do you help your prospects cut their account processing times in half? Do they increase sales by 10%?

What is it that they get out of it?

Answer that question as specifically as you can.

If you find yourself using any of the “worst sales messages,” use the simple trick to get them on track. You’ll close more sales with less work.