I Hired 9 AEs In < 3 Weeks!

Are you plagued with the lack of a plan to hire new Account Executives for your company?

Do you have aggressive hiring goals for end of year as you head into 2014?

ImageAs the VP of Corporate Sales for ConnectAndSell, and Director of Frontline Fridays for the American Association of Inside Sale Professionals (http://www.aa-isp.org), I’ve found a better way – and proven that you can hire a lot of A Players in < 3 weeks!

The Process For Finding, Interviewing, and Staffing 9 Sr. AEs in < 3 weeks:

  1. Download a bunch (3000+) of contacts from Zoom Info – I searched for “account executive” in title, you could do Lead Gen in title and Business Development.  (note if you don’t have zoom ConnectAndSell has an OEM relationship with Zoom and others).  I PERSONALLY DO NOT RECOMMEND Data.com anymore – the data is often outdated, the cost is on the high end, and ZoomInfo has higher quantity, higher quality.
  2. Import all 3000+ into your email marketing tool (I used Mail Chimp for free up to 2000 emails), and then tweak the introduction email to your company, and the sales position you are staffing for, 3-4 times over 2-3 weeks. And send multiple emails.
  3. Everyone who opens your email, load them into ConnectAndSell and call them when they open.  The pitch goes – Did you get the email about the sales role for Company ABC?  Do you know any A Players in the area, or would you yourself be interested?  (Note: Calling the Opens, 400+ contacts each week, would be nearly impossible without a parallel dialer like ConnectAndSell.  And with ConnectAndSell you pay per conversation, so it’s success based!).
  4. Go to LinkedIn and just add a bunch of folks – I did 200+ over a few weekends.  Right when someone accepts, send them an email introducing your position, and make sure to embed the link below – the MySqore link.
  5. Post the position on Career Builder, Monster.com, CraigsList, OR try http://ziprecruiter.com, I just did Zip + CraigsList and between calling the opens, and gaining exposure this way, had plenty of candidates to talk to!
  6. IF YOU ARE HIRING QUOTA CARRYING SALES REPS – Include this link in the emails and ask folks to “apply” via the link – http://www.mysqore.com/#!whats-mysqore-salesrep/c1v0f, short version: http://bit.ly/17AH0MM.  (Note: Prior to using this service, you’ll want to email sales@mysqore.com and have them set you up so that you receive the scores by email).
  7. If you are hiring Lead Gen Reps – use this http://bit.ly/1aWxIIv.  Make sure to email sales@mysqore.com to get you set up prior to launching.  (Note: This solution for scoring candidates is currently FREE!  I built it to give value to Inside Sales Leaders and standardize the scoring process for Inside Sales Professionals).
  8. You’ll get an email with the answers to their questions, a resume attached, and their MySqore every time someone submit.  The candidates love this process too!  It reflects positively on your brand to invest in a process like this.
  9. After you phone screen the candidates, bring them in for an in person interview.  Once again you and your managers can use the MySqore solution to ask each candidate similar questions (pre-built) that will provide a score by candidate.
  10. Once you’ve done the interviews and considering sending out an offer, use MySqore to do the reference checks! Simply send out a link and MySqore scores the candidates references.


The ABCs of ConnectAndSell: How does ConnectAndSell help you accelerate this process?

  • Accelerate your HIRING process w/MySqore (www.mysqore.com)
  • Build a solid list of prospects – ConnectAndSell has dialed 14M outbound calls in 2013, so we know direct dial numbers.  And we’ve OEM’d nearly 9 vendors into the process so you can procure these prospective AE names from ConnectAndSell – at a reasonable rate!
  • Call in parallel!  Serial dialing is the old way, why make 30 – 50 dials in a day to reach 2-3 people, when you can use CAS and dial 150+ in an hour and reach 6-8 per hour!
  • Drive sales productivity 3-5X!