Reach Or Miss Hosted By Hayut Yogev

Reach or Miss Ep. 257 – The Number One Mistake in Sales

The REACH OR MISS podcast is about the customer-focused entrepreneur. The show is the first podcast that focuses on the difference in the way entrepreneurs approach customers and consumers that lead to a glorious failure or a grand success.

In this podcast Hayut Yogev talks with entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs about reaching or missing the right customer, with the right message, at the right time and place.

Each week Hayut hosts successful entrepreneurs and opinion leaders who share their experience with customers, and how their ‘customer approach’ affected their entrepreneurial journey.

In this episode, Hayut and Chris cover the Best advice for entrepreneurs

  • One thing I find that’s the number one mistake that entrepreneurs make is that they build the product before they sell the product. I think you should do it the other way around.
  • I highly recommend that any entrepreneur who wants to be a product entrepreneur, especially in B2B, start by having conversations—sales conversations, not survey conversations. If you’re not doing it under pressure, you’re probably not really doing it. So, try to sell your product before you build it and be serious about it.

There are so many variations to Chris’ story – Hayut managed to bring out new stories and advice we hadn’t heard before. Such a masterful host.

Learn more about Hayut Yogev here >