K2 Sales Podcast With Karen Kelly

Push the Button and Talk – K2 Sales Podcast

Join Karen Kelly on the K2 sales podcast, where she speaks with sales/marketing leaders, business owners, and top-performing sales professionals to break down what mindset, behaviors, and actions are contributing to game-changing results. This podcast will invite you to look at your own business, analyze what you could be doing differently with yourself, your team and your overall organization to drive game-changing results. We provide tactical steps that can be applied immediately to your specific, role, team and company that will put you on the path to elite performance.

“In a world full of game players, the only way to set yourself apart is to be a game changer.”- Matshona Dhliwayo

  • Is there comfort when we are in motion?
  • Does dialing phone numbers only to get a wrong number, voicemail or no answer?
  • Do we play it safe when we update the CRM, look for numbers on zoom.info and craft follow-ups in between calls?

In essence, we are buying time, hiding, and avoiding the actual task of having a conversation with a potential customer.

When there is a machine that dials for you, pings in your ear, and there is a warm lead on the line, that means one thing…… It’s Go Time.

We are up to bat.
Pressure kicks in.
What was my opening?
My hands are sweaty.
My voice is crackling.

It’s time to do what we were trained to do. Therein lies another challenge, what are we being trained to do? say? lead with? Do we know how to build trust in 7 seconds?

#sales #salestraining #coldcalling #multichannel #b2bsales

Show notes

  • 00:49 Introduction
  • 04:00 Welcoming Chris
  • 04:40 Trends: Getting People on the Phone
  • 07:30 Hiding in the Mess
  • 11:00 “I Am An Interruption”
  • 15:00 Paradoxes
  • 17:40 Entrepreneurs & a Competitive Environment
  • 20:50 Expanding Your Knowledge
  • 23:00 Invisible Strangers
  • 24:00 Top Performance Tactics: Cold Calling
  • 27:27 “You Are Their Problem. Solve It”
  • 30:05 Adopting Techniques To Your Style
  • 36:30 Importance of a List
  • 42:20 Who Can You Get A Conversation With?
  • 43:30 Sales and Marketing Alignment
  • 47:00 Pipeline: Influence of Conversation
  • 49:10 Not A Loss, A Learning: Refocus
  • 51:50 Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
  • 55:40 Removing Our Self-Worth From Transactions
  • 58:01 Building Trust and Self Confidence
  • 1:00:20 Get In Touch With Chris
